Mediation Time Line
Time is important. The longer a problem continues, the more complicated it tends to become. We pride ourselves in working as fast as the parties can be ready.
Mediation and resolution
- Initial inquiry and application for mediation
- Payment of the application fee by the initiating party
- Contact to the other party to obtain consent to mediation
- Payment of the application fee by responding and additional parties
- Agreement on date and location of mediation
- Preparation and delivery of case summary and supporting documents by each party
- Payment of mediator's fees and venue cost
- Preparatory meeting by Gerald Thomas separately with each party
- Attendance by all parties at mediation location
- Opening meeting with both parties together
- Separate meetings with each party (may consist of several rounds)
- Final meetings with both parties to conclude settlement agreement or to announce termination of mediation
- Drafting and signing by all parties of settlement agreement
- Closing of mediation and wrap up
Our system is designed to go from the initial application to the mediation session in as little as three weeks depending on the complexity of the case.
7-10 days
7--21 days
1-2 days

- Request sent to parties for feedback on mediation services
- Follow-up by Gerald Thomas with each party approximately one month later